How to use Form 1095-A

 If anyone in your household had a Marketplace plan in 2024, you should get Form 1095-A, Health Insurance Marketplace® Statement, by mail no later than mid-February. It may be available in your Marketplace account anytime from mid-January to February 1. Notice: You must have your Form 1095-A before you file.Don’t file your taxes until you have an […]

Health coverage & your federal taxes 2024

Source:   If you had Marketplace coverage at any point during 2023, you must file your taxes and reconcile your premium tax credit. Use Form 1095-A to complete IRS tax Form 8962 and reconcile your 2023 premium tax credit when you file your 2023 taxes if you qualified for or used the premium tax credit. Once you do, […]

High Impacto and World AIDS Day


World AIDS Day is commemorated on December 1st.  On this date and throughout the year, we at High Impacto work with the three pillars addressed during World AIDS Day: We reflect on the progress, we raise awareness and educate everyone, and We mobilize the community with an emphasis on the importance of having good overall […]

What High Impacto’s health insurance plans cover?

What High Impacto’s health insurance plans cover All plans offered in the Health Marketplace (Obama Care) cover these 10 essential health benefits: Ambulatory patient services (outpatient care you get without being admitted to a hospital) Emergency services Hospitalization (like surgery and overnight stays) Pregnancy, maternity, and newborn care (both before and after birth) Mental health and […]

High Impacto and African Americans

September is a month where many important moments have occurred in history, such as the creation of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History by Carter G Woodson, the Father of African American History in America. African American history is an important component of our country’s history and High Impacto likes […]

Hight Impacto: Health and Faith

August is the month when the country and faith communities commemorate National HIV/AIDS Awareness Day on August 27. It is a day when faith communities come together to fight for freedom and justice to end HIV-related stigma and discrimination. This is the month of Faith and Health, but also the month of our Director of […]

Can’t Cancel Pride 2023

High Impacto is excited to join the fourth annual “Can’t Cancel Pride 2023 – The Future is Now,” a fundraiser presented by P&G and iHeartMedia that celebrates visibility and inclusivity. This special event will feature performances and appearances from the most influential voices in the LGBTQ+ community, as well as the biggest names in culture […]



Getting PrEP, Easier Than Ever! The Tele-PrEP program provides a convenient and innovative way to access PrEP. Tele-PrEP providers are licensed healthcare professionals who can set you up with PrEP services via your phone, tablet or computer. Tele-PrEP providers follow federal HIPAA guidelines in protecting your privacy and confidential health information, as well as, Centers […]

Veterans and loved ones of Fallen Heroes: We’re Here to Help

Some veterans find it annoying when they are thanked for Memorial Day, which is commemorated on the last Monday in May. It is a day to remember and honor those who lost their lives and could not return home. At High Impacto, when we thank survivors, we make sure they know that we are always […]

A Mother’s profile for a Happy Mother’s Day!

High Impacto would like to send a Happy Mother’s Day to every woman who has this important role in our community! Also, we would like to congratulate one mother who is part of High Impacto family who also is celebrating her birthday this month as well. Please join us in congratulating Maria Iglesias, CCHW.   Maria […]

Why are the youth more vulnerable to HIV and AIDS?

April 10 is National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day (NYHAAD), a day to educate the public about the impact of HIV and AIDS on young people. The day also highlights the HIV prevention, treatment, and care campaigns of young people in the U.S. Adolescents are at high risk of contracting HIV and other STIs […]

High Impacto Wellness Center

Wellness Center

High Impacto is pleased to announce the opening of its Wellness Center. We are opening High Impacto Wellness Center at 1915 NE 45th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 to offer specific health care services for the body and mind. High Impacto offers access to health insurance and with this, beneficiaries can have mental health doctors. […]

National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD)

As the country continues to celebrate Black History Month on February 7, we turn our attention to National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD). A day to commemorate and recognize the progress made in HIV prevention, treatment and care over the past 40 years. While our country has learned a lot and made tremendous strides in […]

A New Year. New times. New Resolutions.

2023 is a New Year in which many people think that they will be able to make extraordinary changes and implement all the resolutions that in good faith have been set as goals to be met. Lack of encouragement after the holidays, and not being able to keep your New Year’s resolutions in February, March, […]

Open Enrollment ends Jan 15 – you can still get health insurance

When can you get health insurance? You can enroll in or change 2023 Marketplace health insurance right now. The 2023 Open Enrollment Period ends January 15, 2023. Notice: Important: 2023 Open Enrollment ends January 15. HIGH IMPACTO can help you. Call us: 954-947-3603 If you don’t act by January 15, 2023, you can’t get 2023 coverage […]

High Impacto and 2022

2023 is just around the corner and we think it’s the right time to review our Impact on the community we belong to and help with a lot of passion. As we reflect on this year that is ending, we want to share with everyone how grateful we are to our employees, volunteers, organizations, and […]

Time’s running out: Sign up by Dec 15 for coverage that starts Jan 1

Your last chance to apply for, re-enroll in, or change 2024 Marketplace health coverage is December 15th. The deadline is December 15. Act now – don’t miss out on health coverage that meets your needs and budget. Call us:  High Impacto 954-947-3603 Don’t miss the health coverage: High Impacto 954-947-3603 TODAY, is the deadline! Call […]

Thanksgiving: a holiday to revitalize romantic intimacy

Thanksgiving is a time for family, for appreciating everything we have in our lives, and for giving thanks. And for many people, it is a time to revitalize their intimacy with their romantic partners believe it or not. Yes, seriously. What most people don’t know is that Thanksgiving is a holiday with its roots firmly […]

High Impacto Named Best STD Testing Facility by

The local testing center was ranked among city clinics or nonprofits that provide free or low-cost health services  Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood, FL –, a trusted informational guide for medical lab testing and at-home screening, has announced High Impacto among the best STD community testing centers in Hollywood and Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Research experts examined a variety […]

National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day – NLAAD

Iván & Dr Patrick

October 15 is National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day, a day to help stop HIV stigma and address the disproportionate impact of HIV on Hispanic/Latinx communities. High Impacto invites the wider community to join us in commemorating this day. In addition, we would like to thank all those attending our “NOCHE DE IMPACTO” event on October […]

Impacto Awards

Noche de Impacto

High Impacto present for first time the “Impacto Awards” during our first gala of  “Noche de Impacto”    Guidance Award An individual that impulses High Impacto Vision. Presented to: Evelyn Ullah See the images here    Encourage Award An individual that vitalizes High Impacto Mission. Presented to: Francisco Gomez See the images here   Ambassador […]

Autumn, Love and Health

September is ending and the change of season is happening. In this month comes autumn, the season of the year between summer and winter during which temperatures gradually decrease. It is often called fall in the United States because the leaves fall from the trees at that time. Depending on the time of year changes […]

Aging and health

We live in an exciting era, where incredible advancements in healthcare are enabling more people to make more informed decisions about their everyday health, and we know that aging increases the chances of contracting illnesses and falling ill. While we live longer, there are more chances of needing medical attention in later years. High Impacto […]

September is national disease literacy month

The purpose of National Disease Literacy Month is to help improve a person’s understanding of their diagnosis and the associated services needed to make prompt and appropriate care decisions. High Impacto is using this month to invite everyone to educate themselves about having a positive diagnosis of the chronic disease – the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). HIV […]

Should People Get Vaccines?

Vacuna Close Up

Vaccines play an important role in keeping people healthy. They protect us against serious and sometimes deadly diseases. For High Impacto, the answer to this question is Yes! Vaccines protect your body from diseases and infections such as COVID-19, Monkeypox, human papillomavirus (HPV), influenza (flu), hepatitis B, and polio. They are given by needle injection […]

How to get back to school after the summer?

It’s summer and most likely students are sleeping after a party, enjoying a full day of watching movies on Netflix or going to the beach to work on that tan. Maybe even remembering their early years of school or college. Maybe someone will be missing going back to school! So, enjoy this summer vacation while it […]