Thanksgiving is a time for family, for appreciating everything we have in our lives, and for giving thanks. And for many people, it is a time to revitalize their intimacy with their romantic partners believe it or not. Yes, seriously. What most people don’t know is that Thanksgiving is a holiday with its roots firmly steeped in sensuality and sex. The origins of Thanksgiving go back even before Christianity when fertility gods were worshipped during the feasts at the harvest festivals, by the Saxons, the Celts, the Romans, and even the Greeks. For us in The United States of America, Thanksgiving commemorates an age-old harvest festival celebrated by the Pilgrim Fathers in 1621 and is held in the US on the fourth Thursday in November.

This is the season for gathering around the holiday table with your loved ones, your liked ones, or your in-laws whom you have no choice but to tolerate once a year. Time to invite your best friend from college with her partner who talks unfiltered and who after hearing questions like “Where’s the wine?” and “Is two dozen cakes really enough?” he candidly asks for the nearby pharmacy, as he forgot to bring condoms. Well, don’t worry, High Impacto will cover all of your needs to keep good overall health during this holiday, including ways to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections (STI), using condoms but also PrEP, the medication that prevents HIV.

During this holiday weekend and throughout the year High Impacto provides education on HIV and AIDS. We offer HIV preventive services such as PrEP. The first step is getting a free HIV test.  Also, if you are already had a positive HIV diagnosis and you need treatment, feel free to use our ARTAS program where we accompany patients with a positive diagnosis to access their doctor’s appointment and help them better adhere to their treatment plan. In addition, High Impacto provides other comprehensive support services to members of minority communities affected by the condition, including immigrants, regardless of their immigration status or ability to pay.

To learn more about our free health insurance and HIV prevention programs, contact us at and by phone and WhatsApp at 954-947-3603 or find us on social media as @highimpacto in Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, and Twitter.