We live in an exciting era, where incredible advancements in healthcare are enabling more people to make more informed decisions about their everyday health, and we know that aging increases the chances of contracting illnesses and falling ill. While we live longer, there are more chances of needing medical attention in later years. High Impacto programs are designed to help people identify the right care at the right time, based on their individual health and behaviors. To provide valuable preventive health services and guidance, we do a pre- and post-counseling intake where we use the unique client’s answers to personalize care options and we offer recommendations for the next steps toward more improved health and well-being. Ask us to see if you qualify for our Free Health Insurance Program.

A growing number of older people are living with HIV. One reason is that improved treatments are helping people with the disease live longer. Nearly half of people living with HIV in the United States are age 50 and older. Many of them were diagnosed with HIV in their younger years. However, thousands of older people get HIV every year. The CDC estimates that by 2030, people with a positive diagnosis of HIV 50 years and older will constitute 70% of those individuals in the U.S. Clinical data suggest that aging with HIV will become a significant public health challenge requiring action at the federal, state, and local levels, as aging people with an HIV diagnosis face premature aging and comorbidities, isolation and loneliness, and many psychosocial, mental, and economic difficulties. So, don’t wait any longer, ask us for an HIV test and, if the test results come back negative, then we will provide you with Free PrEP, the meds that prevent HIV. In the case that the test result is confirmed positive, you will get free HIV treatment.

September 18 is National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day (#HIVandAging). This day brings attention to the growing number of people living long and full lives with HIV in conjunction with their health and social needs. On September 16, 2021, NMAC and its Strong and Healthy Program launched the National HIV and Aging Advocacy Network (NHAAN). Moises Agosto, Director of Treatment, said in NMAC’s press release, “NHAAN is a network of individuals advocating for our collective and cumulative interests as persons aging with HIV”. Our Director of Programs, Emilio Apontesierra-Paretti, is one of the 50 scholars of the 2022 NMAC’s Strong and Healthy Program. He would like to remind everyone that older people are less likely than younger people to get tested, so they may not know they have HIV. Signs of HIV and AIDS can be mistaken for the aches and pains of normal aging. Older adults might be coping with other diseases and the aches and pains of normal aging, which can mask the signs of HIV and AIDS.

To learn more about our free health insurance and HIV prevention programs, contact us at info@highimpacto.org and by phone at 954-947-3603 or find us on social media as @highimpacto. (Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, and Twitter).