This past July 4th we celebrated independence at the national level: dissolving the political bands that connect one people to another, in the words of the Declaration of Independence. In June was Juneteenth celebrated, which In June was Juneteenth Day. In contrast to the fourth of July, it celebrates individual freedom: breaking the shackles of slavery. Before June and after July, and every day of the year, High Impacto helps the community to celebrate their sexual independence and freedom as well, providing them with education, assistance to access health services, and all HIV prevention and care services.

For many of us, there’s no better way to celebrate our country’s independence and our freedom as human beings than with a barbecue, some fireworks, and family time. But for many of us, this is also the time to revitalize our desire and incite the connection with our partners and lovers. This past June 27th was National HIV testing day. This is a day to encourage people to get tested for HIV, know their status, and get linked to care and treatment. High Impacto was able to provide free HIV testing in partnership with Walgreens and the Greater than AIDS Campaign in commemoration of this day. To learn more about our free health insurance program, our wellness center, and our HIV prevention programs, including HIV testing and PrEP (the drugs that prevent HIV), contact us at, by phone and WhatsApp at 954-947-3603, and across all social media platforms at @highimpacto.