March is the month in which we celebrate Women’s History Month. March 8 is International Women’s Day. The 10th is National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. The 28th is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The first day of spring is also celebrated in March, among other things.

High Impacto invites us to remember in this month of multiple celebrations that there are many women by our sides, in our homes, in our workplaces, in the neighborhood, in our towns and cities who are still fighting against racism, discrimination, HIV stigma, gender inequality, and many other challenges just because they are women. Let’s celebrate how women’s efforts and courage throughout history have enabled them to gain more opportunities and enjoy their rights, but let’s also not forget that the struggle continues and that more and more people want those achievements erased from the history and laws of this country. It’s our responsibility to stand alongside our sisters and support their fight for equal rights.

March 10 is National HIV/AIDS Awareness Day for women and girls. This day is presented as a day to raise awareness about the impact of HIV on women and show support for women and girls with HIV. As we continue to make progress toward eliminating HIV and AIDS in the United States, women remain vulnerable to HIV, especially African-American and Hispanic women. Poverty, stigma, medical mistrust, and fear of discrimination often prevent some women from getting tested or seeking care. Transgender women experience stigma and discrimination. They also have been subjected to increasingly more violence in this country and around the world. Women who have been exposed to intimate partner violence are more likely to engage in risky behaviors or be forced to have sex without using a condom or medication to prevent or treat HIV known as PrEP.

High Impacto is using this month as an opportunity to remind the community how important women are in everyone’s lives. Let’s celebrate their achievements and join them in their struggle throughout the year. At High Impacto we provide them with access to health insurance, promote and test for HIV, and implement all the different prevention tools such as PrEP and TASP (Treatment as Prevention or U = U).

To learn more about our free health insurance and all HIV prevention programs, contact us at Also, call us at 954-947-3603 or contact us on WhatsApp at the same number