We are in the second month of the spring season! According to the weather calendar, spring will always begin on March 1, ending on May 31. Warmer spring weather and increased daylight hours make it the best season. In spring, the temperature rises, the trees burst into bloom, there are more hours of light, and in general, everything is more prepared for fun.

There may be something a little primal about our desire to have fun during this time of year. Birds mate in the spring. Otters do too. A 2013 study indicates that human biological impulses, including procreation, are also linked to the seasons. The National Wildlife Federation notes, “With the arrival of the heat of spring or late winter, revived hibernating animals go out into the world in search of food and, in some cases, mates”. In other words: Goodbye, season of ties, and hello season of Hookups!

Many health experts argue that hookups can do more harm than good. They worry that hookups could hurt anyone by denying their emotional needs, putting them at greater risk for sexually transmitted diseases and leaving them unprepared for lasting relationships. In addition to the time factor, we live in a culture that promotes instant gratification and tells us that if we don’t like what we have, we can always upgrade.

What is the solution to hookup risk, if any? What people need to realize is that it’s perfectly okay to ask for a commitment if you want to. We all have needs and expressing them is part of a healthy relationship, not a weakness. There’s probably a percentage of people who can make a causal relationship like this work for them or several situations where both parties mutually agree that they will only be physical to each other and that’s it. And for those people, it can be a positive experience. But something that should never be forgotten is prevention of any sexually transmitted infection or disease. At High Impacto, we help prevent HIV, not only during the spring season but during every season of the year. We promote and provide HIV testing. We are giving the community at large different prevention tools like PrEP (medicine to prevent HIV) and TASP (Treatment as Prevention or U = U), and since this year, we are offering free health insurance!

To learn more about our free health insurance and HIV prevention programs, contact us at info@highimpacto.org and by phone at 954-947-3603. Enjoy spring, use a condom, start PrEP with either the daily pills or the monthly injection and stay in treatment!